白海豚失樂園 Breathing Room - Trailer

The Chinese White Dolphin (Sousa chinensis) has been living in the waters of Hong Kong for hundreds of years. The dolphin, which is in fact pink in appearance, is nicknamed ‘Panda of the Sea’, due to its rarity and friendliness. Despite being chosen as the handover mascot in 1997 when Britain returned the region to China, the Chinese White Dolphin’s fate is not auspicious at all. Their numbers have plunged 75% since 2003, and the species was recently uplisted to the ‘Vulnerable’ status in the IUCN Red List. They are facing multiple threats, including habitat loss due to coastal development, water pollution, and danger of collision with vessels.

'白海豚失樂園 Breathing Room' is a 30-minute documentary on the plight of the Chinese White Dolphin in Hong Kong. The film brings to light the research and conservation work that is being done to save them, and discusses the implications of habitat loss due to continuous coastal developments for these iconic pink dolphins.